Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Laurel & Hardy or Abbott & Costello in Middleboro?

Should we label the 11/5 BOS/STM 'Abbott and Costello' or

'Laurel & Hardy' ? Or just consider them embarrassing clowns?

Don't quit your Day Jobs in either case!

The BOS scheduled a MEETING -- A PUBLIC MEETING at

6:30 PM.

It was legally posted, consistent with OPEN MEETING LAWS.

Read for yourself:


The Chairwoman stood in front of the table at which the Board was

seated, with her back to the audience.

Body language must mean something!

I had arrived early, as had others, to listen to the BOS Meeting.

But there was no sound.

I travelled to the stage and asked if there was a MEETING in progress,

to which the Chairwoman replied that there was.

When I explained that we couldn't hear, her simple response was

that the microphones weren't turned on.

No attempt was made to allow the public to hear the conduct of the meeting.

The meeting was inaudible from the front row of seats in the auditorium.

NO single person on that stage has not read the OPEN MEETING LAW.

As you read the Open Meeting Law, it is interesting to note the

previous violations that were prosecuted against the Town of Middleboro.

That the 11/5 STM was so hastily convened by the BOS created an unreadable,
disorganized and inaccurate mass of papers that was supposed
to be the 'Warrant.' What was advertised differed from other versions.

Some versions had 26 Articles. Some had 24 Articles.

And copies distributed prior to the meeting were pathetic.

It was just discovered that day that Articles weren't 'properly' worded

or legal?

And that was the best the 'interim' Town Manager could do?

The FinComm just received some information THAT AFTERNOON!

Would someone please give the 'interim' Town Manager a copy of the
Town Charter? (It's not on the Town's pathetic Web Site, but he can
find a copy at mrmiddleboro.) Could you make sure he reads the part
about the FinCom?

Do you think the Middleboro BOS will ever notice that Town Meeting
Approval was required for the emergency water service recently provided to
a new customer in Carver? Do you think they asked Town Counsel?

I won't list the endless times this matter was addressed, but the following
2003 BOS meeting minutes is a good starting place:

MAY 19, 2003

VOTED: To insert the following two (2) articles into the Annual Warrant:
"To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Board of Selectmen to enter into an agreement with the Town of Carver to provide for the sale of water to the Town of Carver with respect to properties which currently receive water service from the Town of Middleborough on such terms and conditions as the Board of Selectmen approves, or act anything thereon.


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