Friday, October 26, 2007

Where's the plan?

Selectman Wayne Perkins repeatedly insisted prior to the Recall Election that the Middleboro BOS HAD A


Where is the PLAN? It's not on the Town's Web Site. It's never been made public.

The DOR Report criticized the BOS for depleting the piggy bank and it appears they plan to do it again!

A review of the STM Warrant indicates as much and worse.

Although there has been a HIRING FREEZE for a number of years, the BOS continue to hire new employees.

ATM (Annual Town Meeting) approved a budget. That budget included an Administrative Assistant for the Fire Department who would work 24 hours a week.

The BOS approved hiring a replacement, increasing the hours to 40 hours a week predicated on a future Town Owned Ambulance Service that may or may not be feasible or ever exist. Either way, it's years down the road.

The BOS approved the hiring of 2 new Fire Fighters/Paramedics, positions ATM cut.

The BOS will tell you about the money they saved not replacing the Fire Chief.

The BOS, with little discussion, essentially eliminated the CALL FIRE DEPARTMENT. Did you notice?

When the Conservation Commission posted an ad to replace the ConComm Agent, the BOS suddenly remembered the


Now, confronted with expensive fire truck repairs, long delayed repair projects, a High School at risk of loss of accreditation, a failing school system, and much else, because of the failure of the BOS to


the House of Cards constructed by the failure of voters to pay attention, ask questions, participate and attend Town Meeting threatens to collapse.

A review of the STM Warrant discloses additional sick leave buybacks, yet the figures have never been calculated or accrued, the time never recorded. The IT Director recently stated that the Town wouldn't have the capacity to track that information until 10/1/07.

The recently hired Town Accountant has a comparable provision in his contract. He can accumulate up to 275 days sick leave. A salaried employee whose contract only requires a 4 day work week gets SICK PAY?

Town Employees contribute 10% toward their health insurance costs. Town Employees make a $5 co-payment to doctors. Town Employees have a Pension Plan that offers 80% of their post-retirement salary.

Those UNPAID volunteers earn 2.5% toward the Pension Plan.

The municipal contracts provide for 2 annual pay increases (inter alia): 1. LONGEVITY 2. COST OF LIVING.

If you find a list of private sector employers who offer comparable benefits, please provide that information.

Pay attention to the legal fees. ATM replenished the 'LEGAL DRAWING ACCOUNT.' Anyone recall the amount?

Anyone recall the pending lawsuits? The 2 that come quickly to mind are that of the former Town Accountant and the Veterans' Agent, but there have been others.

Prop. 2 1/2 provided a framework and limit to the budget. That the BOS refuse to plan and limit their spending, defines their continued failure. Regardless of their continued BLAME GAME, they know the limits.

They are clearly laying the foundation for a Prop. 2 1/2 Override in the Spring by their current overspending.

Oil hit $92 per barrel today. Override? Fat Chance!

When Middleboro finds itself in the same position as Bridgewater in the Spring, I reserve my right to remind you 'I TOLD YOU SO.'

I encourage you all: get out, participate, inform yourselves, understand the issues, ask the questions, attend the meetings.


Anonymous said...

At the annual town meeting lots of us did not want to fund many of the Sick Time buy backs. We were told by the town’s lawyer that WE, the voters, could only make those changes in the first year of a contract. I just quickly went through the warrant for the STM and found nothing in it for the new town accountant’s contract. When do the voters get to approve it???

Middleboro Review said...

Never known for brevity, let me attempt to be brief.
First, let me say that I don't know the specific answer to your question since the Town Accountant was hired mid-year and the current budget has been approved by voters, prior to the contents of the current contract.
I can only suggest that you write a letter to the BOS. The contract should also be problematic because it allows a 4 day work week with no specified work hours, 5 weeks' vacation and a number of other issues.
As a footnote, let me add that the reason that particular contract is problematic is that it includes a clause allowing for the accumulation of up to 275 days of SICK LEAVE, but preventing a 'CASH' buyback.
What private employer allows such an accumulation? It would seem that if you want to protect your employees for a long term disability event, you offer insurance, and not sick pay accumulation.
At the ATM, it was noted that the retired Animal Control Officer left the employ of the Town in March 2006, but remained on the Town's payroll due to accumulated vacation and accumulated sick leave until SEPTEMBER 2007. While it wasn't CASH, it was still a cost.
Although the BOS appear to have gotten the part of the message of ATM voters in disallowing a CASH buyback, they have failed to understand that the issue is the accumulation of the time that they have historically failed to record.
This is why we're in this fiscal disaster!