Sunday, October 28, 2007

The KoolAid Formula of Town Fiscal Planning

Part of the KoolAid formula includes accepting that the Town of Middleboro needs either a debt-exclusion or an override, as well as new revenue sources.

When the numerous proponents present their dubious arguments, economies are conspicuously omitted. No where is it mentioned that the Town needs to live within its budget.

The Annual Town Report includes a statement from the Finance Committee on page 182-183 that includes the following:
Fiscal year 2004 from 2003: Increase of 2.6%
Fiscal year 2005 from 2004: Increase of 7.5%
Fiscal year 2006 from 2005: Increase of 10.4%

The Annual Town Report is posted in pdf format on the Town's Web Site for those seeking to inform themselves.

The above increases are unsustainable.

How much of the percentage increases can be attributed to excessive pay increases, in excess of what private industry offers?

Recently, a contractual town employee was hired with a 20% pay raise and a 4 day work week. That reduction in work hours seems to be a 20% reduction. Isn't that a 40% increase?

How much can be attributed to our failure, as voters to question expenses?

In July 2007, a lawsuit (begun in 2003) was lost by the Town of Middleboro that had been appealed to the SJC. Did anyone question what the legal fees cost the Town?

How much more don't you know about?

JUNE 2, 2003
Upon motion by Selectman Eayrs and seconded by Selectwoman Brunelle, the Board VOTED: To authorize payment of the bill submitted by Daley & Witten, LLC in the amount of $2,581.25.
Unanimous Vote.
This bill is in connection with the Rocky Gutter 40B litigation. The Board asked that Town Counsel provide a report of what has been paid up to date.

Cusson ... said the town took just a few months to wrap up a multi-million deal for a casino, but years to resolve a 10 lot project. “Something's not right, towns just don't like 40B.”

“It feels good to win,” Cusson said, but he said the town kept appealing on every single level, “it was not a good use of the town's resources.” Enterprise

"Jane Lopes"
Jessie,Yes, this WAS temporarily lost amidst the casino frenzy - but you'll find that most of the legal fees were paid by the citizens' group that asked the town to fight the 40B, and also asked the town to appeal the initial decision.Jane
At 11:02 PM 8/3/2007, you wrote:Amidst the casino frenzy, this article was overlooked.Are you asking the BOS what this cost the town in legal fees?This case was a looser that Attorney Witten appealed.Is anyone asking who authorized the appeal?Does Attorney Witten view the Hayseeds as a 'CashCow'? Is anyone wondering why this wasn't included in the Gazette?

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