Thursday, October 25, 2007

Proud to be an American?

A number of years ago, a gentleman that I knew approached me to sign a petition to support a Constitutional Amendment making flag burning a crime and he presented great patriotic rhetoric to support his position.

I asked him if he was a registered voter.

He was not.

When I asked him how he could consider himself patriotic when he didn't participate in the process, he turned and walked away.

Recently, a few of us have circulated voter registration forms to unregistered voters to encourage registration prior to the deadline for STM (10/26).

I speak only for myself when I comment that I observed an inordinate number of patriotic flags, symbols, slogans (Proud to be an American, Support the Troops, and so on) on homes of those to whom I delivered voter registration forms.

Proud to be an American?

Doesn't participation count as YOUR responsibility to be an American?
What could be closer to true democracy than Town Meeting form of government?
Doesn't it pre-date the Founding Documents?

Just wondering! Your thoughts?

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