Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Fall Town Meeting Warrant

The Dept. of Revenue Report was discussed that the Selectmen's Meeting on 9/24.

Does anyone recall the portions of the DOR pertaining to the ATM (Annual Town Meeting) ?

The recommendations of the DOR report were discussed by the Selectmen on 9/24.

At the 10/1 Selectmen's Meeting, the WARRANT for the Fall Town Meeting was opened and closed. Discussion? What's in the WARRANT?

Was input solicited from Town Departments about items that should be/might be included?

Looks like this BOS discusses the DOR one week, agrees that the recommendations make sense. Then disregards their own discussion from a week earlier.

Did you notice?


Anonymous said...

After public criticism, Mr. Bond is forced to post a comment about the warrant not being publicly discussed. Wasn't he silent at the meeting? What an opportunist!

Middleboro Review said...

The DOR Report suggested that the ATM be used solely for budget items to avoid scenarios similar to last year's ATM.
No other departments were solicited. And the FinCom wasn't included.
In fairness, the entire Board sat like Boggle Heads as the item, not on the Agenda was approved.